Wednesday, December 31, 2014


DRONES. A bit like mobile phones, once they start to become ubiquitous you know a trend is happening. I've seen a few and although there is a concern about where they are, where they go and what they do it, looks like they are here now.

The drones can provide astonishing images although with a limited battery and most flights measured in minutes, these quality images may be the exception rather than the rule.

The plethora of boys-own type names like DJI Phantom 2, Parrot AR.Drone 2.0, Blade 350 QX suggests some are boys toys. But not the really big boys toys, that's the preserve of the military. According to Wiki these are "An unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV), also known as a combat drone or drone, is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that is usually armed. Aircraft of this type have no onboard human pilot. Drones are usually under real-time human control, with "the human's role in UCAV system [varying] according to levels of autonomy of UCAV and data communication requirement." So now you know.

But when they can be used to generate such great content like this delightful tracking of a cycle journey set in Vancouver, Canada, what's not to like about drones.