Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Fit to print

Being in marketing I sometimes get glimpses into future trends and novelties, but occasionally get taken aback by what seems to be retrograde steps. The latest news from Michelin that they were re-introducing the michelin man (bibbendum) took me aback - you mean they dont currently use it? Years of i-spy book and shodding my car with michelin means i had no idea. Most laughably they stated they are thinning bibbendum down to be in line with customer expectations. Um. More like double the size in line with social trends!

Even better (or worse) MG have changed their moniker. MG being synonymous with sports cars of the late 50's and 60's - try saying MG without adding "B GT", like saying audi without "quattro". They announced that they are changing from Morris Garages (whenever did anyone associate MG with Morris Garages?) to the epitomy of 21st century stuff - "Modern Gentlemen". Of course, you would wouldnt you. That captures the always-on i-pod generation doesnt it. Unlike this luddite marketeer who imagines some edwardian gentleman with a bloke with a red flag 50 yards ahead. Um us creative types sometimes dont know what good for us!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Changing (Faster) Times

Before getting back on-line I had to wade through ol' bits of paper to find essential email addresses and logins etc. While doing this came upon some real ol stuff back in 2000 when I was almost an early-adopter of technology with a 56 modem (can one be a "late early adopter"?)

I found a load of stuff about ordering online from Tesco, the online supermarket, when you loaded the order from and onto a Tesco CD rom, and then uploaded the order (that itself could take 10-15 minutes) via the internet. If you wanted the latest offers and new items you also needed to download these first, again on the old connection you could go and make yourself a cup of coffee (and some home baked biscuits) while it was trying to struggle online. So performance has certainly improved, you forget - it really wasnt that long ago!

So off now to use my other new essential bit of modern kit - the shredder to chew up the paper and scatter into my compost bin. And yes I did buy that from tesco, but no not online - wanted to see it for real before buying. Ah modern and old technology - isnt is great!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Getting back on-line

So just how long does it take to get back online?

Well if you are me - quite a long time.

That's partly cos so many things were happening in life that getting connected wasn't such a priority. Another issue was having to undertake a university-style-thesis study of best broadband options and setups for SOHO @ home. And finally was the sheer logistics of getting the stuff working. Um. Back now and totally abnormal service will be resumed.